Thursday 2 January 2014


Our names are Izzy and Isabelle (thus creating Izzelle). We are 16 years old and have spent the past few months avoiding revision and reading blogs. After sitting around marvelling in the work of others, we decided to jump in and make our own. 

We realised all of our money was going on beauty, music and high-street brands so who better to ramble on about them than us.
Although we don't expect anyone to listen to us or read our posts we hope that anyone that does enjoys it. 

We will alternate between us each week and will choose our own subjects to write about. This could be from personal things to reviews and stories. We don't have any professional experience with these products and are just expressing our view in a way that could potentially help you. 

As your honorary big sisters we are able to listen, help and give advice (we hope!)


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