Tuesday 25 March 2014

Pamper night

After a long and difficult few weeks we knew we needed a relaxing weekend to unwind and enjoy ourselves. We ate good food (Isabelle's mums homemade pizza is insane!) listened to our favourite music and relaxed. Best weekend for a long time! On top of that we watched 3 good chick flicks (read further down to find out our favourites).

The first thing we did (after the pizza) was to make our very own face masks. Despite the look of them they really did work. We basically mixed about 5 recipes to get as much out if it as we possible could! 

First we cut up 2 bananas. These have brilliant nutrients for all skin types. 
Then added 2 sachets of Oh So Easy Oats original .  This thickens the mixture up and makes it much more substantial. 
We then mixed in 4 Table Spoons of Honey and 2 Table Spoons of Granulated sugar. Sugar is a brilliant exfoliator and honey helps to keep your skin exceedingly smooth. 
After that we mixed in 1 Table Spoon of Salt. This adds to the exfoliating and helps to unblock pores and blackheads. 
We also added brown sugar. This again helps with exfoliating and also makes it thicker. It also made it a much nicer colour.
Don't forget to properly mush up the bananas and mix everything together. 

It was a really nice mask, it took a while to dry and we had a lot of fun trying to put it on. We cried with laughter! I think we might use a food colouring next time to make it look a bit more appetising. Our skin was so nice afterwards. It felt really refreshed and reduced redness around problem areas of our faces. 

You can check online for other good recipes but if you want a bit of everything then definitely give ours a go. Add a bit of lemon if you want to use it before you go out. It will really brighten up your skin. 

We then filled a bath with warm shallow water, just deep enough for our feet and filled it with a mixture of these three bath foams. We don't know where they are from as I (Isabelle) got them for Christmas but all of them smell amazing! While we sat on the edge of the bath in our comfy PJs we put on the face masks. We didn't have any candles but you could always light some scented candles to set the atmosphere. 

The consistency of the facemasks wasn't the greatest and we struggled to get it to stay on our faces but we managed. We waited about 10 minutes before washing it all off with a tea tree foaming face wash from superdrug.

We then we used the simple toner and I used this simple moisturiser.

After we had cleaned up our faces we filled up the kettle ready to boil and chose some films to watch. These were: Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging, a Cinderella Story and yes, He's Just Not That Into You, all typical chick-flick rom-coms. Of course there are plenty of others like; The Notebook, 500 Days of Summer, Mean Girls or even Charlie St. Cloud. The choices are endless. We then poured our matching mugs with half milk, half water and two teaspoons of m&s hot chocolate powder, before putting it into the microwave for 2 minutes and adding a lot (I mean a lot) of cream and marshmallows.

We then snuggled down and enjoyed our hot chocolate and movie, with a fresh feeling face and soft feet!

How do you and your friends relax? Let us know in the comments!
Isabelle and Izzy


  1. hey guys! Just stumbled across your blog and so far I love it. Its so nice how you decided to do a blog together. xx Alyssa

    1. Awwh thank you, it's good to know someone is reading haha :)
