Tuesday 23 September 2014

New beginnings!

It has got to that time of year again where students have been getting their exam results. Which in turn means that its getting closer to going back to school or starting a new college, sixth form, university etc. We thought we would to write this post together as its affecting both of us and it's important to remember you are never alone in these situations.

(random photo of us sledging)
 We have recently received our GCSE results. I think both of us weren't too happy or too disappointed about them but both of did pretty well. What we learnt was not to compare ourselves to others. Some people in our year got all A* but that doesn't matter because i think everyone tried their hardest and got the results they worked for and deserve. Comparing our results to someone who did better wont change what we got, only make us sadder (don't know if that's a word!). 
In England we finish 'high school' at 16 and then have 2 years in education which can be a sixth form which is attached to a school, a college which is independent from a school or an apprenticeship which is work experience. What can be know as college in the US is just University to us.

(Me: Left, Izzy: right) 
Even though me and Izzy haven't  been close friends for that long we have always been in the same schools and this will be the fist time we've been separated since year 1! I am staying at our schools sixth form while Izzy is going to college. This is because our sixth form is a lot smaller than most others and I feel that going somewhere bigger I would get lost in the crowd, it would cause me too much anxiety meaning I don't think I would succeed as well in my A levels.
*Passes laptop to Izzy*
I decided to leave our sixth form this year after having 4 stubborn years of being adamant I wouldn't stray from our school. Over the last few years I have been struggling with anxiety and panic attacks (more on that at another point) and I felt that if I didn't push myself now then when I went off to work or university the change would be so big that I wouldn't be able to handle it. It is a big step up from school and I am petrified but I know that everyone will be in the same boat as me as everyone in the year will be new. My big fear is leaving our friendship group as I honestly wouldn't change them for the world, they have got me through so much recently I cant thank them enough. There have been a lot of tears-trust me.

(us before our prom this year) 
I don't really know what I want to do in the future except travel. Like, Isabelle I have chosen a wide range of subjects to how a broad skill set that would appeal to future employers but not limit or restrict me if I suddenly find my calling a few years down the line. Unless I suddenly decide I want to be a brain surgeon or rocket scientist- then I'm very screwed. I have taken; English Literature, Photography, Sociology and Politics as these are things I enjoy and feel I would be most interested in.
*passes laptop back to Isabelle* 
I(Isabelle) have no clue what I would like to do when I leave school so have chosen a wide range of subjects to do at AS. These are a mix of subjects and enjoy and ones I've never done before. These are geography, psychology, sociology and English literature.
Starting a new school can be very daunting and scary but every else is most probably feeling the same as you. I remember starting year 7 and thinking how big the year 11's looked! I found meeting new people and having new subjects was the best part.
Anyone will tell you that we are the loudest and giggliest pair but when put into a situation where we don't know anyone we can be as quiet as mice and very shy. The best thing to do is just introduce yourself or even just ask someone a question I'm certain they'll just be thankful to have someone to talk to. When I (Izzy) went on an induction day to my college I would just ask people who were going in the same general direction as me where they were going and then not only do you not have to walk alone you don't worry as much about getting lost. Plus, you can hopefully make some friends. Also, don't forget to give it a few weeks, for a while everyone will be clinging to anyone that they vaguely recognize so just put yourself out there and people will respond and start to branch out too.

(Us doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge this year)

We've both not had our first two weeks of school and i'll be the first to say life has been pretty boring and miserable without having Izzy by my side all the time. There have been tears but we know us, and the rest of our friendship group truly are friends for life. It has been extremely strange hearing Izzy talk about her new friends but i know it's just part of life to have different groups of friends but it doesn't make our friendship any weaker...if you get what i mean? So if you're confident in the strength of your friendship then i wouldn't worry at all, just develop ways to stay in contact regularly with each other.

And i'll leave you with a couple dashing photos of me and Izzy from 2012.


For any enquiries you can contact us at izzelle101@gmail.com


  1. I look so bad haha, good times bro xx

  2. You guys are so cute! Hope you keep posting! xox

    1. Hahaha thanks!!! Izzy and Isabelle xxx
