Sunday 4 January 2015

Little Black Books

H E L L O !
We are eternally sorry for the complete lack of posts! I wish we could give you this fantastical story of adventure and distraction but unfortunately we are lazy. Typical of our age, if we have more than one thing happening then it is too much to handle and we have to sleep for three days.
We decided that as a classic new years resolution (that we can't promise we will keep but we will promise that we will do our best to try) we will try and post at least once a fortnight! It might not seem like much but with everything that is happening it is better than nothing-haha!
It has been an interesting term starting A Levels and has been difficult for us to be going to different schools. However slowly we have started to adjust! Not seeing each other everyday is the weirdest thing because you don't have those spontaneous and random thought conversations that would sound totally mental to anyone listening but to you the other person is a total genius and you can't understand why you aren't comedians!!
So, to combat this, we have decided to purchase little notebooks and we write down every couple of days ,or more, in them with our thoughts/things that have happened/ feelings etc. etc. You could only imagine the weird crap we have written in it! We swap these books every time we see each0other (when we remember to bring them that is, *cough* Isabelle *cough*) Then we read through and have a giggle and then reply to what the other has written and then write about our days.
It probably sounds boring but it means that we can still keep in tough properly and it gives us an extra excuse to see each other! It feels as though because we haven't been seeing each other everyday our friendship group meets up *out of sixth form* more than it used too now we have the motivation. As a result we have been making some brilliant memories and have already been planning some stuff for April half term and the summer holidays after our AS exams!!
The point is, we're excited for what is a head of us and although the next two years will be challenging and need a lot of work, we have no idea what is going to happen and that is pretty awesome. We aren't going to let something like being in different schools separate us and there is no way in hell we will be able to get rid of each other any time soon! You CAN NOT have one of us without the other! We are using these books as a fun way to stick together.

Izzy and Isabelle
 "The best prize in life is working hard at work worth doing"


I thought that today I would share with you my most recent obsession. Depop. It is a new app that has a similar concept as E-bay in that, you can sell and buy second hand clothing. However, there is no bidding and you contact the seller directly.
I know when a lot of people hear second hand they think, well it's all going to be a load of crap but it's really not. You just have to look for the right things, most people use it to make room in their closet and to give things they never wear to a good home. 
A lot of bloggers have hopped on the band-wagon for this one. 
Everything is so cheap, it's perfect for me as I'm going to college in September. I realised I had massive gaps in my wardrobe where I had been so used to wearing uniform for the past 11 years. 
Now I'm starting this new part of my life I really, REALLY, want to get my 'style' together and sell old clothes I never wear and that don't fit into what I want my style to be. 
I do have a few tips to avoid scammers though! 

-Do not 'swap'. This is where you exchange items with other sellers. Only do this is you are 100% certain of the person as you may find you send an item and they will not send yours and there's nothing you can do. 
-Make it clear that, unless you are willing to, you do not do refunds. 
- Be sure people you are buying from have past reviews and will give you a Proof Of Postage. 

My Depop is IzzyCatherine, there is no seller fees through August so now could be a good time to set yourself up an account! 
