Sunday 5 October 2014

My Anxiety Experience

Hey, today I though I'd share some experiences that may help you. 
It's no secret that over the last few years I have struggled with anxiety and panic attacks that came from a variety of phobias. 
I have had some tough times with this and anyone that has suffered with this particular mental health issue will tell you it is very much ups and downs. 
I struggled with staying in classes and exams were a particular problem as I felt trapped and severely panicked. 
I have gone through a lot of different tactics to combat this and I really want to talk about them but I think I'll leave that for another time. 

The first thing I want to emphasise is YOU ARE NOT ALONE! It is such a common problem I guarantee someone else is feeling the same! Also, it is not strange or stupid to feel this way and it does not make you weird and people WILL want to help you!

Before I talk about my experiences here are some important websites and helplines if you don't feel like there is anyone to talk to. (I suggest teachers, friends, family, guardians or even us if you like our email is

Samaritans helpline: 08457909090 (24 hour) they also have a website
No Panic: tel:08449674848 (10am-10pm)
Anxiety UK: tel:08444775774 (Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm)

Since the end of year 11 and starting college my life has completely changed. I am now able to go on public transport on my own and haven't had a panic attack in 4 and a half weeks! This is the longest in over 3 and a half years. I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it feels amazing. Everyone said starting a new school would end up badly for me but I needed just proved to myself I could do it! 

If you suffer from problems like this the best thing you can say if yes! I started to say yes to more opportunities and push myself harder. Slowly but surely I proved to myself and everyone around me that I could do things without having panic attacks and without feeling like the ground was going to swallow me up. 

It started with getting the bus on my own to meet friends and then going shopping on my own. I channeled my worry into constructive things like skateboarding and revising. 

Since starting Year 12 I have been accepted onto a photography trip to Iceland for a week in February! This time last year I wouldn't have even considered the trip as I don't know anyone going but if I don't accept the opportunity now then I know it'll regret it for the rest of my life! And to be honest I couldn't be happier I am beside myself with excitement! 
Also, I am volunteering with the Libra Foundation to volunteer for 2 weeks in Romania. Again, I don't know anyone going but it is a brilliant opportunity and the most important thing to me is travelling. 

I want you to know that not matter how dark and deep your hole seems now even if there's no one there to pull you out, eventually, you can climb out yourself and I finally feel like I'm proof of that. 

I really hope you have a fantastic day 

Lots of love as always 